Keeping viruses at bay is a major concern these days. And while we are all taking the necessary preventative measures like frequent hand washing, coughing into our elbows, and social distancing, it might be a good time to consider the health of your cedars too.
Fantastically fragrant, hardy, and sturdy—it is easy to see why cedars are common landscape features across Chilliwack. But as resilient as they are, cedar trees are also susceptible to a host of ailments, some of which can quickly spread through your hedges, causing severe problems.
Here are some of the common diseases that affect cedar hedges in Chilliwack and what you can do to protect them.
Root Rot
1. Root Rot
Root rot can wreak havoc on your cedar hedges. This lethal disease can turn branches brown, initially showing symptoms on one side of the tree. Leaves will also turn yellow and shed off branches.
Look for signs of white fungus around the base of the hedges. The disease spreads via black strings (called rhizomorphs) under the soil, from one tree to another. There is no cure for root rot.
Once the tree is infected, it will have to be removed and the soil fumigated before new hedges can be planted.
2. Blights
Keithia blight, caused by a fungus called Didymascella thujina, is a major threat to cedar hedges, especially for the Excelsa and Atrovirens varieties. Blight causes circular holes in leaves, where they will eventually turn brown and fall out. Affected areas can be treated with fungicide to stop the disease; fungicides comprising of fixed copper, zineb, and mancozeb are the most effective.
3. Rusts
Rust diseases—cedar-apple rust, cedar-hawthorn rust, and cedar-quince rust—can cause serious harm to your cedar hedges in Chilliwack. Signs of this fungal disease include swollen areas, called galls, located on the branches. Long orange growths, or tendrils, can often sprout from the galls typically after rainy periods. To treat rust on your cedar hedges, spray a fungicide application on infected areas.
Managing diseases of Cedar Hedges
One of the best ways to manage diseases of your cedar hedges in Chilliwack is to know the signs. When you see any of the above symptoms, taking the appropriate actions can help safeguard your cedars. If you come across any unusual signs, collect a sample and have it tested. Once the correct diagnosis has been determined, you will be able to employ the proper steps to treat the disease.
Diseases can be scary for both you and your cedars. A little preventative, proactive care now will go a long way to keeping your cedars protected down the road.
For healthy cedar hedges in Chilliwack, contact Fraser Valley Cedars.
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